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SLE与血液系统肿瘤的相关性中,最早发现且报道最多的是非霍奇金淋巴瘤(NHL)[2-4]。SLE合并血液系统疾病的文献中,也有关于SLE合并粒细胞白血病(AML)的报道,最早可追溯至1955年,Lee等探讨LE细胞的临床价值,报道了一例LE细胞阳性的患者出现了AML。随后,又有了更多SLE并AML的病例报道,并有了一些系列病例报道 [5–6]。然而,研究SLE和(AML)之间相关性的对照研究尚没有。

Bernatsky S等进行的多中心研究中发现,SLE增加NHL、阴道癌、肺癌和甲状腺癌的风险,可能增加肝癌的风险,同时降低乳腺、子宫内膜癌的风险,可能降低卵巢癌的风险[1]。一项注册为基础的研究中,瑞士国家SLE队列中的白血病风险增加一倍[7]。

Lu M等人进行了SLE的大样本队列研究,16409例SLE中共有7例AML,发病率很低。 [8] 在Medline中收录的SLE并AML以病例报道为主,且数量并不多[9-12]。国内文献报道SLE合并急性白血病更少[13,14]。

发病机制方面:SLE并AML早期的系列病例报道中有人考虑AML的发病与SLE治疗过程使用细胞毒性药物相关[5–6]。但Löfström B等提出,小剂量化疗药物不是血液系统肿瘤的主要原因 [15]。一些人提出“传统生活方式肿瘤危险因素”可能影响SLE患者的肿瘤风险。另外,有人提出获得性免疫系统异常是潜在增加SLE患者肿瘤风险的介导因素[16]。目前考虑SLE并发肿瘤的途径包括特定的药物应用或者是药物应用合并病毒感染,以及同时存在干燥综合征或重叠综合征等情况。[1]



【1】 Bernatsky S,et.al Cancer risk in systemic lupus: an UPDATEd international multi-centre cohort study[J].J Autoimmun. 2013 May;42:130-5.

【2】 Mellemkjaer L, andersen V, Linet MS, Gridley G, Hoover R, Olsen JH.Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and other cancers among a cohort of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus[J]. Arthritis Rheum 1997;40:761–8.

【3】Bernatsky S, Ramsey-Goldman R, Rajan R et al. Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma in systemic lupus erythematosus[J]. Ann Rheum Dis 2005;64:1507–9.

【4】Lo¨ fstro¨m B, Backlin C, Sundstro¨m C, Ekbom A, Lundberg IE. A closer look at non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma in a national Swedish systemic lupus erythematosus cohort—a nested case-control study[J]. Ann Rheum Dis 2007;66:1627–32.

【5】Gru¨nwald HW, Rosner F. Acute leukaemia and immunosuppressive drug use – a review of patients undergoing immunosuppressive therapy for non-neoplastic diseases[J]. Arch Intern Med 1979;139:461–6.

【6】Asten P, Barrett J, Symmons D. Risk of developing certain malignancies is related to duration of immunosuppressive drug exposure in patients with rheumatic diseases[J].J Rheumatology 1999;26:1705–14.

【7】Bjo¨rna°dal L, Lo¨ fstro¨m B, Yin L, Lundberg I, Ekbom A. Increased cancer incidence in a Swedish cohort of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus[J]. Scand J Rheumatol 2002;31:66–71.

【8】Lu M1,et.al Non-lymphoma hematological malignancies in systemic lupus erythematosus[J]. Oncology. 2013;85(4):235-40.

【9】Meloni G, Capria S, Vignetti M, Mandelli F, Modena V. Blast crisis of chronic myelogenous leukemia in long-lasting systemic lupus erythematosus: regression of both diseases after autologous bone marrow transplantation[J]. Blood 1997;89:4659.

【10】Cˇ olovic′ M, Jankovic′ G, Lazarevic′ V, Novak A. Acute megakaryoblastic leukaemia in a patient with systemic lupus erythematosus[J]. Med Oncol 1997;14:31–4.

【11】Kwong YL, Au WY, Liang RHS. Acute myeloid leukemia after azathioprine treatment

for autoimmune diseases: association with -7/7q-[J]. Cancer Genet Cytogenet 1998;103:94–7.

【12】Eilertsen GØ, Nossent JC. Erythroleukaemia complicating ANA-negative systemic lupus erythematosus[J]. Scand J Rheumatol 2007;36:478–80.


【14】张梦云 青玉凤 周京国.等. 系统性红斑狼疮并发急性粒细胞白血病一例[J]. 华西医学2014(4):665-666.

【15】Löfström B1, Backlin C, Sundström C, Hellström-Lindberg E, Ekbom A, Lundberg IE. Myeloid leukaemia in systemic lupus erythematosus--a nested case-control study -d on Swedish registers[J].Rheumatology (Oxford). 2009 Oct;48(10):1222-6.

【16】Lofstrom B, Backlin C, Pettersson T, Lundberg IE, Baecklund E. - of APRIL in Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphomas from Patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus and Rheumatoid Arthritis[J]. J Rheumatol. 2011;38(9):1891–1897.


